Friday, April 28, 2017

The United States vs North Korea

Is World War III just on the horizon? Is war with North Korea going to be the next major confrontation that we are a part of? It would appear that North Korea is taunting the United States and daring them to take action. In a commentary found in USA Today, we are made aware that North Korea has test missiles near the Demilitarized Zone and they are threatening to blow one of our military ships out of the water.

Will our government be allowed to handle this war in our best interest or will this be played out in the media? President Trump has voiced his concern to China and instructed them to handle this, but if this doesn’t happen, he says that the U.S. will. Is diplomacy the best way to handle North Korea? There are thousands of people that will be affected if missiles are fired. It doesn’t appear that North Korea cares who is hurt in the process, their goal is to cause harm to the U.S.

The pressure that is put on our government to make decisions, and our military to perform the actions to defend our country, is great. It is more than just making an impulsive decision to go to war. There are lives to be considered and the aftermath to come. The young people of today have no experience with war or the effects that it can cause on our livelihood. The most memorable and recent act of terrorism on our own soil was back in 2001. Most of the young people today, were either not born or too young to remember the devastation that it caused. During the stressful time following the horrible attack on the Twin Towers, our country came together and became more unified in the goal to defend our homeland. Today, our country has become so lax when dealing with threats from other countries, and ususally tends to walk away rather than to engage. Will we do the same this time or will we stand up and be the country to be reckoned with like we used to be?

Friday, April 14, 2017

Review - Russia and U.S. Elections

In an article titled Russia and U.S. Elections posted on Washington Unfiltered, Chance Walters discusses the topic of our 2016 Presidential election and the role that Russia is accused of having in its outcome.
I completely agree with the statement that is made concerning a double-standard. The media had their minds made up before election day as to who was supposed to win. When their carefully laid plans did not pan out, they resorted to other means to try and discount the Trump Presidential win. I would also agree that cyber security is a big threat to our country. With the massive amounts of technological improvements that are constantly being made, there is a threat to us, and we must be vigilant in safeguarding our country.
To think that the media is not biased and doesn't show us only things they want us to see, is clearly not being honest. Do I think it works from both sides, yes. I am willing to acknowledge that. Do I think that Russia played a part in the Trump win? No, I do not. Trump had no prior political experience or intimate relations with Russia. Why or how would he have gained the knowledge or been able to contact Russia to set something like this up? Our government knows all. Would they not have know something like this? And if so, would they not have mentioned BEFORE they lost the election? Seems a little strange to me to pull out the Russia hacked us card.